Anchor, the trusted iconic brand of New Zealand, is appreciated for its quality by Mauritians for generations. Anchor is one of the largest exporters of dairy products in the world. Anchor offers Mauritian families a wide range of high quality dairy products: Anchor Full Cream Milk Powder; Anchor Shape-Up Skimmed Milk Powder; Anchor PediaPro Growing up Milk Powder; Anchor UHT Milk (available in full cream, semi-skimmed and skimmed) and Anchor butter (salted and unsalted).
Discover the quality products of Fonterra’s flagship brand, Anchor:
Anchor milk is a product of New Zealand where free roaming cows graze on fresh lush green grasses in a country famous for its fresh air and pure water. In this perfect & healthy environment, the cows produce high quality milk packed with all dairy goodness.
Each glass of Anchor is packed with 22 vital nutrients for the proper development of your children and for the well-being of your family.
Anchor is all about trusted goodness as every drop of Anchor milk is guaranteed since it has been scientifically tested. Anchor works in close collaboration with Anchor Institute, a network of leading international experts who are passionate about childhood nutrition and of course the goodness of milk. The Anchor institute conducts and supports high quality research in a range of scientific areas to bring the best nutrition to children over the world.
Anchor is available in sachet of 1Kg and 500g as well in box of 1Kg, in all supermarkets and shops
With only less than 1% fat, Anchor Shape Up Skimmed Milk Powder is perfect for your diet whilst it’s enriched with vitamins A & D.
Exercising daily improves health and maintains fitness. A balanced diet, combined with regular physical activity, helps you stay active and healthy. Being a product of New Zealand, Anchor Shape Up is packed with all the dairy goodness and is ideal for those on diet as it is 99% fat free.
Anchor Shape Up skimmed Milk Powder is available in box of 750g in all supermarkets and shops.
A child’s brain reaches 90% of its adult size during the first five years of life, thus the need for specialized nutrition. Anchor PediaPro Growing up Milk Powder is specially formulated to satisfy the nutritional needs of toddlers aged 1-3 years old and those aged from 3 to 7 years old.
The first five years are crucial for the physical and mental development of a child. Unfortunately, during this period, the child is also highly vulnerable as his immune system is not fully developed yet. Consequently, toddlers until the age of 5 years have special nutritional needs for proper mental and physical development as well as reinforcing their immune system.
Although full cream milk is nourishing, it unfortunately does not cater for all the specific nutritional requirements of toddlers. Anchor PediaPro growing up milk powder has been specially formulated so that it can be used as baby food for toddlers.
A product of New-Zealand, Anchor PediaPro consists of a unique composition with its “Smart Nutrition” bundle which is made up of DHA – an essential fatty acid important for brain development and for maintaining brain functioning and “Nutri -Care”, a bundle of Vitamins A, C, E, Iron, Zinc and Selenium, scientifically proven fundamental for a strong immune system.
Anchor PediaPro is available in tins of 700g as Anchor PediaPro 1+ for children aged 1-3 years old and Anchor PediaPro 3+ for children aged 3-7 years old in all supermarkets, shops and pharmacies.
Backed by the Science expertise from Fonterra’s New Zealand brand R&D Centre, discover your child’s key development stages through this ‘Çhild Development Tracker Chart’. Thi tracker will enable you to follow your child’s development month by month.
Anchor PediaPro, start smart
Having at heart the good development of your child, the Anchor PediaPro invite you to download this ‘Brain Friendly Nutrients’ which will help you to prepare tasty dishes for a happy and healthy brain.
Discover all the dairy goodness of Anchor milk in liquid format with Anchor UHT. Anchor UHT milk is made from 100% fresh cow’s milk from New-Zealand which has been ultra-heated as per international quality standards to ensure its freshness and quality. Available in tetra pack of one liter, Anchor UHT milk is convenient for use and storage.
Anchor UHT milk is available in supermarkets and retail shops as full cream milk, semi-skimmed milk and skimmed milk.
Anchor butter is made from three New-Zealand’s natural ingredients: fresh cream, salt and water. Enjoy the creaminess, soft texture and the unique taste of Anchor Butter for your toasts, pastries and even in culinary creations.
Anchor butter is available in salted or unsalted in pack of 227g in all supermarkets and shops.