
Quiche au poulet, olives avec Anchor Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

21/04/2018|Categories: Recipes|

Ingrédients 1 sachet 200g de Anchor Shredded mozzarella Cheese 1 pâte brisée disponible au rayon frais des grandes surfaces 3 blancs de poulet découpé en petit morceaux 1 pot d'olives denoyete et coupe en rondelles 50 cl de crème fraîche 2 oignons émincés Huile d'olive Sel, [...]

Driving around heavy vehicles: Few tips from our experts

10/10/2017|Categories: Tyre|

It’s very saddening all these accidents happening lately on our roads. Unfortunately, we have noticed several ones involving heavy vehicles. At Bridgestone, your safety is our priority, thus, it’s crucial for all of us to adopt a safe attitude while driving. Our experts have put together [...]

Tipco 100% pure vegetable and fruit juices GMO-Free

20/09/2017|Categories: Communique|

Healthy juices for everyone. Food safety: Tipco keeps its promises Tipco 100% pure vegetable and fruit juices have been certified non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms). This certification aims at ensuring the integrity of the products across the production chain of Tipco 100% pure vegetables and fruit juices. [...]

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